The Best Advice So Far - do not feed - sketched baby dragon comic eating a cookie

do not feed

Last spring, I found myself looking into a little side gig as a content editor for a startup out of New York. It seemed a good deal at first: ten flex hours at the rate I requested. It was a rocky start even getting in the door, with impersonal communication actually becoming curt and then rude.…

The Best Advice So Far: walls — 1950s subway riders crowded and ignoring one another


Today, I saw a snail on the sidewalk in front of our house. And I thought, I too am like that snail. I build a defensive wall around myself, a "shell" if you will. But my shell isn't made out of a hard, protective substance. Mine is made out of tin foil and paper bags. ~Deep Thoughts by Jack…

The Best Advice So Far - digging out - Erik with *yuck* face standing in front of a mountain of plowed snow

digging out

Last Saturday, we were told to expect the first “real snow” of the winter season here in New England. Meteorologists predicted 4 – 8 inches. Though not exactly fun, we’ve had worse. Much worse. As the sky turned slate gray and the first flakes began to fall, I settled in to finish writing last…

the umpteenth time - The Best Advice So Far - broken pocket watch on cracked earth

the umpteenth time

ALTERNATE TITLES: stupid pills a zincing ship kvetch me if you can Somewhere in the middle of 2015, life changed. Prior to that, I had just released my first book, The Best Advice So Far. I still remember the day I typed the period after the last word of the last sentence of the last chapter. It…

The Best Advice So Far - the birds and the bees / bird icon + bee icon

the birds and the bees

Let me tell you ‘bout The birds and the bees And the flowers and the trees. Actually, they were bushes. Well, more like hedges and a possible shrub. But I digress. In a recent post, I talked about noticing and enjoying anew the treasures already surrounding you, as if you were someone else from…

after the vote - empty voter stations - The Best Advice So Far

after the vote

Let me start by making this clear: just as I have never told anyone how I’ve voted, I am not going to talk politics here. But I do have something I believe is vital to say to each of us today (including myself). ***** I played soccer for eight years in high school and college. I usually played…

back to reality — plane departing against golden sunset - The Best Advice So Far

back to reality

On Wednesday, August 31, at 7:20AM, a car turned the corner onto Bent Grass Drive and pulled into number 6793.  My luggage was already in the driveway. I locked the door for the last time then clicked the button to close the garage. As the driver loaded my things into the trunk and back seat, I…

riddles - The Best Advice So Far


I was driving recently with my cousin’s son, Seth. He’s 19, but having lived with a mentally and physically ill mother until her recent death, there are some areas in which Seth is still quite “young.” Until now, he’s never paid a bill and did not know how to write a check. It’s been a steep…

fire in the sky - The Best Advice So Far - paper lantern Chinese floating sky lantern

fire in the sky

I’ve had a document open since the 4th of July with title and picture in place, ready for me to write this post. Each day since, I’ve sat down in front of a blank page. I’ve stared. I’ve thought. I’ve thought about what I’m thinking. I’ve done the self-talk to convince myself: This is going to be…

The Best Advice So Far - golden apples / Golden Rule


I’ve gotten to know the clerks at a certain convenience store in my neighborhood over the course of many years of visits. As I entered recently and made my way to the back coolers to grab a protein shake on the run, the clerk was fiddling with his cell phone behind the counter and did not look up.…