what to say

Chad and I hung out earlier today, working on some projects together.  Realizing that we'd completed all we could for one day's work, we decided to get ice cream.  (Does it seem like I eat ice cream a lot, or is it just me?) Instead of heading to the usual chain type of place, we visited a local…


It's surprising how far sharing a peanut butter cup sundae with great people will go toward improving your day. All right – maybe it's not all that surprising.  But I'd still like to tell you about it (you can just act surprised). Last night, I was sitting in a restaurant, treating myself to a…

the little things

Inevitably, in social circles, the question arises: If you were on a deserted island and could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? My answer is simple: a good fruit salad. When I dine out for breakfast, I will nearly always check to see if fruit salad is offered.  Some…

the new normal

I shared with you earlier this month my colorful history of hair.  Alas, hair was not my only colorful history.  Still, I don't want to take  the walk all the way from one end of Memory Lane to the other (it's a long walk).  Instead, I want to briefly mention just one of the many fashion changes…


I've shared with you recently my suspicion that many people, upon hearing some of my stories, lean toward thinking I'm just making the whole thing up.  I'm going to go even further today.  Much further, in fact.  I'm going to tell you something that I don't often tell anyone at all. I am…

love hate

When I was a kid, I ate everything set in front of me.  Spinach.  Liver and onions.  Meatloaf.  Lima and wax beans.  Brussel sprouts.  I ate them all without a complaint.  I even liked them. Alas, my sole nemesis when it came to food – was beets.  I just couldn't seem to stomach them.  They tasted…


It's said that misery loves company.  Some might take this to mean that negative people have a knack for finding one another.  My own observations, however, lead me to the conclusion that negative people actually spread their funk to others. They go about looking for fires to throw their wet…

past midnight

When I was a teen, we were never ever allowed out past midnight.  The reason was stated as fact: "Nothing good happens after midnight." I'm not sure if parents somehow get this idea into their heads from their own childhood memories of Cinderella, but it never made sense to me.  I didn't balk at…

the last word

On May 8, 2011, at 2:40PM EST, I hit Enter and submitted my first blog post. The post you are now reading is my 75th. The blog was begun as a means of motivating myself to finish a book by the same title, "The Best Advice So Far," which I started one year ago this month. This morning –  July 25,…


Early Saturday morning, I was almost struck by lighting. I don't mean to say that I was afraid of getting struck by lightning, or that I thought I might be struck by lightning.  I mean that I was almost struck by lightning. I slept in.  Abruptly, I was awakened by the first nearing clap of…